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The Basics Of Burning Incense

The history of burning incense dates back to millennia and it was used by people belonging to almost all cultures and religions. While some consider incense as the symbol of the religion itself, others consider it as a purifying tool. However, the use of incense as air freshener cannot be denied. Incense, when burned, expels pleasant fragrance that calms down the mind and provides stress relief. Incense in various occasions is used differently; some of them being soothing the soul, summoning spirits, appeasing the Gods and to have a pleasant fragrance around the house or wherever we are.

The word ‘incense’ is originated from the Latin word 'incendere' which means to burn. They are made by combining dried aromatic plants with essential oils. They emit fragrant smoke while burning slowly and evenly. Though the origin and invention of incense are unknown, its first use was recorded in China in 2000BC. Ever since it was widely used for the religious purpose or even for aromatherapy.


Though we consider it as a silly thing, it has many more religious and metaphysical aspects related to it. Almost all religions have burning incense as the indispensable part of religious ceremonies. It was spread across the world and Indians used them in their religious ceremonies in the ancient times. The ancient Egyptians also used them in rituals. Babylonians used to burn incense when they pray to Oracles. It is also an unavoidable part of Islamic faith too. And we have today, all types of incense having more than hundred varieties of fragrance available on the market.

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